GRE作文范文 Issue-46
“There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws.”
嘉文博译Sample Essay
Once a society has determined that it wants to be governed by the rule of law, then each individual in that society has a responsibility to obey those laws. If the laws are fair, then they must be obeyed. Unjust laws must be resisted through whatever means are necessary, including disobeying those same laws until they are repealed.
Firstly, for any society that truly wants to be civilized, laws must be enacted that at the very least give its citizens a guideline on the behavior that is expected of them. Without the rule of law, anarchy would likely reign supreme and ultimately result in the destruction of that particular society. Laws are usually enacted based on the values, beliefs and morals of the general populace. Without such laws, individuals would be tempted to give in to some of the more animalistic desires innate within the human soul, with the end result being at best a disorganized society and at worst the annihilation of the population.
Secondly, those just laws that have been enacted (which will hopefully be all or at the very least, the majority of them) must be faithfully obeyed in order for a society to move forward. Because most laws are the codification of the society’s values, beliefs and morals, they are generally based on the notion of justice and fair play. As long as the laws treat everyone equally, the population should dutifully obey them. It is equally important that those who disobey those laws are punished fairly and in proportion to their crime. Without a systematic distribution of justice, laws are worth less than the paper that they are written on. Corruption in the legal system is also a distinct danger, regardless of whether the laws that have been enacted are just or unjust. If individuals are allowed to buy themselves out of trouble, the entire legal system will break down, again resulting in anarchy. As a fundamental part of a civilized society, just laws must be obeyed to the fullest extent possible
Furthermore, of equal importance is the fact that unjust laws must be fought against through whatever means are necessary. The very foundation of a legal system is that it is based on a notion of justice, and that means justice for all, not just the chosen few. Unfair or unreasonable laws can cause a society to lose respect for all laws, regardless of whether they are just or unjust. In these cases, civil disobedience may be necessary in order to bring attention to the situation. Perhaps the politicians or government officials were unaware of the unjustness of the law when it was written. It could be that the officials did not foresee that the law would have a disparate impact on certain individuals in a society. But regardless of the reason, an unjust law must not go unopposed. One unjust law can easily lead to another; therefore it is incumbent upon all individuals in a society to fight such inadequacies with all of their might.
In summary, a legal system should serve the society as a guideline for the behavior that is expected of its citizens. Should the leaders of that society enact any laws that are unfair or unreasonable, it is the duty of all citizens to ensure that it is changed or repealed through whatever means are necessary. Laws should be of the people, by the people and for the people, and citizens must take a proactive role in ensuring that they truly give justice for all.
GRE作文范文 Argument-46
The following appeared in a memorandum to faculty from the academic vice president of Waymarsh University.
嘉文博译Sample Essay
"So that we can better accomplish Waymarsh University's academic goals, we should adopt the job-opportunity (job-op) program offered at Plateau Technical College and strongly encourage all students at Waymarsh to participate in it. The success of the job-op program at Plateau is evident: over the past two years, more than 75% of the freshmen at Plateau have enrolled in the optional job-op program. Moreover, at Plateau, the grades of job-op students are consistently higher than those of other students, 90% of the job-op students receive job offers within a month after their graduation, and most former job-op students report much success in their careers."
With this argument, the academic vice president attempts to persuade the faculty of Waymarsh University that a job-opportunity (job-op) program being offered at Plateau Technical College should be adopted in order for the university to better accomplish its academic goals. To support the argument, the vice president writes that the success of Plateau’s job-op program is shown by the enrollment of 75% of freshmen at that school, that the grades of the job-op students are consistently higher than those of other students, that 90% of the job-op students receive job offers within one month of graduation, and that most former job-op students report much success in their careers. The vice president’s argument suffers from several critical flaws as well as a false analogy and it should therefore be rejected.
In the first place, the argument is critically weakened by directly comparing the academic goals of a university with a job opportunity program at a technical college. A university will have a different student body makeup than that of a technical college – therefore these students will have different wants and needs regarding the academic programs that are offered. Moreover, there is no relationship demonstrated between the academic goals of Waymarsh University (which are never mentioned) and the job opportunity program at Plateau Technical College. This “apples to oranges” comparison between the academic goals of a university and a job opportunity program at a technical college represents a false analogy that cannot be overcome in this argument.
Furthermore, the mere fact that 75% of the freshmen have enrolled in the optional job opportunity program at Plateau Technical College does not necessarily indicate its success. There may be underlying factors that have caused three-fourths of the freshmen at the school to enroll in the program, such as allowing for an easier path to a degree or that the students are allowed to work to pay all or part of their tuition fees, for example. Even assuming that such an enrollment rate indicates the success of the program at Plateau, it simply has nothing to do with the accomplishment of Waymarsh University’s academic goals. On the contrary, the program might actually be a detriment to the accomplishment of such goals for the university by distracting students from their studies by allowing them to work while going to school.
The vice president also cites as evidence of the success of the Plateau job-op program the idea that the grades of the job-op students are consistently higher than those of the other students. This may not be support for the idea that academic goals are being reached but rather that the core curriculum courses are merely easier than those of the other students. Additionally, the fact that 90% of the job-op students at Plateau receive job offers within one month of graduation is cited in support of the argument.
The receipt of job offers would seem to have very little to do with Waymarsh’s accomplishment of academic goals. In fact, the job offers may be for very low-level jobs that most university students would not accept in the first place. Furthermore, the vice president states that most former job-op students report much success in their careers. Again, this has nothing to do with the academic goals of a university. It is only natural that any type of former students would report much success in their careers – no one wants to admit failure in their work-related pursuits!
In summary, the vice president’s argument is based on a false analogy and problematic reasoning that proves nothing. Without providing direct evidence that the success of the job-op program at the technical college is directly related to the accomplishment of academic goals of Waymarsh University, the vice president’s argument must be rejected.
作为高原技工学院“工作机会计划”成功的证据,这位副校长还援引了这样一种看法,即参加“工作机会计划”的学生,其成绩一直高于其他学生。这或许无法当作学术目标正在被实现这一观点的依据,倒有可能恰恰相反,它表明这部分学生的核心课程只是比其他学生学的核心课程来得更容易罢了。此外,高原技工学院参加“工作机会计划”的学生中有90%的人在毕业后的一个月内就能获得工作录用,这一事实也被引用来支持此项论述。但获得录用似乎与 Waymarsh大学实现其学术目标几乎毫不相关。事实上,这些聘用书所针对的可能只是极为低端的工作,多数大学生根本就不会接受。另外,该副校长还说,大多数前“工作机会计划”的学生宣称其职业生涯极为成功。这又与大学的学术目标毫不相关。任何一类昔日的学生都会宣称他们的职业生涯甚为成功,这是再自然也不过的事情了,因为谁也不想承认他们在事业上无所建树。
总而言之,这位副校长的论点纯粹基于虚假类比以及成问题的逻辑推理,根本证明不了什么问题。由于没有提供直接的证据来证明在技工学院取得成功的“工作机会计划”与 Waymarsh大学学术目标的实现直接相关,这位副校长的论点应予摈弃。
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